Saturday, March 03, 2012

2/12 - Karate Testing Time

Kids are still committed to their Karate, Conner moves up to Level 1 Yellow Belt, Callie moves up to Level 2 Green Belt.  Callie also received "BEST FORMS for February" she was SO thrilled to receive this award, she beat out higher belts ......Congrats To Our Fabulous Kiddos!!
Getting Ready For Sparring

Callie punching Timo

Callie & Ms B Moore

Callie, Best Forms     
Abby, Best Sportsmanship

Conner - Special Recognition Award

Conner received this award for great improvement in Reading! 

President's Day Weekend - Lake Havasu AZ

Famous London Bridge


Surprise Disneyland Trip


We surprised the kids with a trip to Disneyland, they had no idea until we pulled up into the parking lot!  It was a very fun day!